Benefits Offered By The Voice Guy
Jon James is really a unique entity in the voice over world. As an independent studio, he can and does offer a variety of perks that others can't or won't, such as:
If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact Jon. Email or call!
- Turnaround on small projects usually within a day (if not within hours)
- High quality (air-able) audio delivered BEFORE the invoice
- Complete production/mixing done on request, including music and sound effects. If you have the voices, Jon will make magic.
- You'll have your OWN dedicated page on this website which has links to all your audio. Links will remain active for at least a year after your last production request from
- Payments can be made with a check or credit card (PayPal) and all costs are negotiable (because there is no agent).
If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact Jon. Email or call!